Publicado por: pongpesca | 2023/04/28

Life in ocean’s twilight zone ‘could disappear’ amid warming seas

“Life in the ocean’s twilight zone is expected to face dramatic declines and even extinction as seas warm and less food reaches the dimly lit waters, a study has found.

The twilight zone lies between 200 metres and 1,000 metres below the surface and is home to a variety of organisms and animals, including specially adapted fish such as lantern sharks and kite fin sharks, which have huge eyes and glowing, bio-luminescent skin.

Twilight zone animals feed on billions of tonnes of organic matter, such as dead phytoplankton and fish poo, which drifts down from the ocean’s surface. The drifting particles are known as marine snow.”

Ver artigo completo aqui.

Fonte: The Guardian, 27 de abril de 2023.

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