Publicado por: pongpesca | 2010/01/20

2010 will be a major landmark for the future of biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use

Logotipo da conferência "2010 Biodiversity: vision and target" e link directo para o site

“The General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity to bring greater international attention to its continued loss. A major global event will be the 10th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to be held in Nagoya (Japan) in October, when the 2010 biodiversity target will be reviewed and a new post-2010 vision will be defined.

Europe needs to prepare in advance for this global debate. One of the EU Spanish Presidency priorities related to biodiversity is to contribute to the definition of a pragmatic post-2010 objective, by fostering a wide participation which includes Member States and the Council of Europe.

Protected areas are of utmost importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation. The Conference will examine the european implementation of the CBD’s Programme of Work on Protected Areas.

The event will also serve to launch the International Year of Biodiversity at the European level.”

Fonte: Fundacion Biodiversidad

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