Publicado por: pongpesca | 2018/06/27

Coral exports ban: Threat or opportunity for sustainability?

Coral exports ban: Threat or opportunity for sustainability?“From London to Los Angeles, ornamental fish kept in home aquariums are increasingly man’s sole connection to the jungles of the ocean known as coral reefs.
These tanks sometimes include live coral pieces as a natural marine habitat, and around 50 percent of these are sourced from the coasts of Indonesia.
In early May, the Indonesian government shocked the ornamental fish industry by shutting down all exports of coral in a sudden blanket ban.
According to the Indonesian Coral Shell and Ornamental Fish Association (AKKII) managing director, Dirga Singkarru, the decision resulted from efforts to synchronize regulations between the Environment and Forestry Ministry and the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry.”

Ver artigo completo aqui.

Fonte: The Jakarta Post, 26 de junho de 2018

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