Publicado por: pongpesca | 2019/01/16

‘One fish at a time’: Indonesia lands remarkable victory

Artisanal fishers are often unable to compete for high-end markets because of the need for sustainability certificates and investment. “Indonesia, the world’s largest tuna fishing nation, has pulled out all the stops in recent years to transform the health of an industry blighted by depleted stocks and illegal poaching.
Measures by the government – which have even included the bombing of foreign vessels fishing illegally in Indonesian waters – have helped fish stocks more than double in the last five years.
But now the industry has reached another important milestone: one of Indonesia’s tuna fisheries has become the first in the country – and second in south-east Asia – to achieve the gold standard for sustainable practices.”

Ver artigo completo aqui.

Fonte: The Guardian, 15 de janeiro de 2019

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